The challenge
Refurbish the ground floor apartment successively with the last major addition being expansion of the solarium on the building’s south side and remodelling of the terrace above it. The top floor and exterior faces of the building required renovation, as well. The owners regarded the upgrades as wise investments going forward, and as necessary to preserve the value and health of the building. While the construction work was in progress, the family wanted to reside on the ground floor.
Our solution
Install GUTEX Multitherm® to insulate the solarium and the house’s roof. In addition, the plan called for GUTEX Thermofibre® blow-in insulation to fill the cavities between the ceiling joists. GUTEX Thermosafe-wd® would insulate all the floors, and GUTEX Thermosafe-homogen®, integrated into the renovated roof terrace’s floor, would insulate the solarium’s roof. The homeowners attached a great deal of importance to diffusion-open construction and desired the natural advantages of wood.
Project features
20-kW wood gasification furnace, 6 m² of solar thermal collectors connected to a 570-litre hot water storage tank, new electrical system
Heated house volume: 772.75 m3
Net floor area: 247.3 m2
Annual primary energy source usage (as per EnEV abbr.: QP): 31.36 kWh (m2a)
Heat transfer/loss (HT): 0.374 W/ (m2K)
Vinyl windows with triple-paned glazing Uw = 0.95 1.3 W/ (m2K)
Top storey ceiling U-value 0.23 W/ (m2K)
Exterior wall U-value 0.252 W/ (m2K)
Cellar ceiling U-value 0.205 W/ (m2K)
Construction solutions
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