GUTEX Thermowall® wood screws
Suitable for wood substrates
GUTEX ETICS thermally decoupled hammer fasteners
For concrete, masonry brick, solid sand-lime brick, lightweight hollow concrete block, perforated brick and porous concrete
GUTEX hammer fasteners
Suitable for the fastening of stop beads to masonry
Plastic insulation discs
For wall openings (reveals/jambs)
GUTEX Durio® injection anchors
Sicherer Befestiger für problematische Untergründe
GUTEX Durio® long shank fasteners
Universal anchor for higher efficiency
GUTEX Durio® spacers
For GUTEX Durio injection anchors
GUTEX Durio® brackets
Bracket permits fastening of GUTEX Durio facade-insulation system
GUTEX Durio® washers
For difficult fastening conditions
For thermally decoupled screw-in expansion fasteners
Gutex Durio stainless steel screws
Designed and manufactured specifically for half-timbered walls